Friday, August 28, 2009

Weekend Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:45—11:50AM, in the Dungeon
August 30, 2009: Teacher: Brent McKinney, Topic: Student Ministry Expectations, Part 3.

No formal after SS hang-out this week...however a couple of things are going on that might interest you. First, at 5PM at Trietsh UMC church, our good friends Lost and Found are playing in concert, FOR FREE and the community is invited! At 6:30PM, here at CBC, Rebecca Heinricks has a FREE concert followed by homemade ice cream get-together!

Wednesday Night High School Small Groups, September 2!
7:00—8:30PM in the following area homes:
Junior/Senior Girls @ The Gelnett’s. 2619 Bierstadt, HV, 75077. Sharon Gelnett & Lisa Loniewsky, leaders.
Junior/Senior Guys @ The McKinney’s. 5237 Prairie Creek Dr., FM, 75028.
Brent McKinney & Peyton Morris, leaders.
Sophomore Girls @ The Smith’s. 303 Highland Ct., Double Oak, 75077.
Laura Smith, Maria Spellings and Elma Valdez, leaders.
Sophomore Guys @ The Wamsley’s. 804 Woodhaven Dr., HV, 75077. Ian Cook & Kevin King, leaders.
Freshman Girls @ The Serwin’s. 1108 Sweetwater Ln., FM, 75028.
Dottie Cook, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders.
Freshman Guys @ The Green’s. 2201 Hazy Meadows Ln., FM, 75028. Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders.
Feel free to contact the CBC office for more information @ 972-355-3343.
Don’t forget: If you don’t have too much homework & such, everybody’s welcome to hang out at Brent’s after your group ends until 10PM!

Tuesday Night Discipleship servant team update:
Mid-School Tuesday Nights kick-off THIS WEEK. Check with Charlie for all the details regarding times you need to be there and roles/responsibilities.

Didn’t get to take part in the “Not of This World” photo shoot or want to
re-take your photo for any reason? Tracy has scheduled a 2nd session on September 20, 2009, immediately following class. You might want to begin now planning your signs/props/clothing/etc. Details on the back of this sheet.

Next Baptism Service: Has been moved to September 27 as part of the evening worship service that day. Contact for further info.

Watch this space for an announcement regarding the Fall 2009 True Love Waits class!

Student Ministry “Not-Of-This-World” Photo Shoot
September 20, 2009, after Sunday School class
Preparation Instructions

1. Choose what you’re going to wear as well as what else you want in the picture. Remember, if you’re on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, the photographer wants to capture something that is uniquely YOU. So, think through the clothes you’re going to wear, accessories you want (musical instruments, hats, sporting equipment, etc.) that say something about who you are and what you’re about!

2. Find a MEDIUM to write on that is NOT LARGER than 22” x 28”. IT CAN BE SMALLER, BUT NOT LARGER. It needs to be a light color that you can write LARGE & DARK ENOUGH for the words to be seen. It can be anything that size: An actual poster board you purchase, a sheet of butcher paper you cut to that size, a paint canvas, a cardboard box you cut out, a piece of plywood—USE YOUR IMAGINATION, and make sure it’s within size limits.

3. Design the sign that will be in the picture with you—EVERYBODY WILL HAVE THEIR SIGN IN THEIR PHOTO! That’s the point! You can choose if you’ll hold it or where you’ll put it in your picture but you will have a sign made BEFORE YOUR PHOTO SHOOT. You can choose from the following words or phrases, AND YOU NEED TO CONTACT BRENT to RESERVE YOUR PHRASE (each person is supposed to have something different than all the rest!) and they’re first come, first served, but ONLY THESE WORDS CAN BE ON YOUR SIGN and they need to be readable—so be choosy with what you want to put around/through/behind the words!

Masterpiece Alien & Stranger Chosen
Reconciled Redeemed Ransomed
Forgiven Justified Set Apart
Transformed Not Conformed Regenerated
Free From The Law Washed Hidden with Christ
Sealed Perfected for All Time Accepted
Born Again New Creation Not of This World
Child of God Prince Princess
Co-Heir Citizen of Heaven Royal Priesthood
Made Complete In Christ Temple of the Holy Spirit
Child of the King A Work in Progress Waiting for My King
Not Condemned Living Abundantly At Peace with God
Any other signage choices MUST BE APPROVED BY BRENT beforehand!

4. Contact Brent and let him know for sure if you’re going to take part ASAP. Photo slots will be given in the order they are received either by text message or Facebook or e-mail to
5. If you have any questions, contact Brent ASAP!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Announcements for this weekend

H.S. Sunday School, 10:45—11:50AM, in the Dungeon
August 23 & 30, 2009: Teacher: Brent McKinney, Topic: Student Ministry Expectations, Part 2.
After Sunday School hang-out at Dillon Harp’s. FOOD, swimming, Wii, pool/foosball/ping pong, etc. Bring your swimsuit, and directions will be given after class.

Special thanks to Tracy, the parents and students who made our “Not of This World” photo shoot so much fun last Sunday afternoon!
There will be a make-up date if you didn’t like your photo or couldn’t be there or just changed your mind! We’ll announce that make-up date next week.

Wednesday Night High School Small Groups, August 26!
7:00—8:30PM in the following area homes:
Junior/Senior Girls @ The Gelnett’s. 2619 Bierstadt, HV, 75077. Sharon Gelnett & Lisa Loniewsky, leaders.
Junior/Senior Guys @ The McKinney’s. 5237 Prairie Creek Dr., FM, 75028. Brent McKinney & Peyton Morris, leaders.
Sophomore Girls @ The Smith’s. 303 Highland Ct., Double Oak, 75077. Laura Smith, Maria Spellings and Elma Valdez, leaders.
Sophomore Guys @ The Wamsley’s. 804 Woodhaven Dr., HV, 75077. Ian Cook, leader.
Freshman Girls @ The Serwin’s. 1108 Sweetwater Ln., FM, 75028. Dottie Cook, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders.
Freshman Guys @ The Green’s. 2201 Hazy Meadows Ln., FM, 75028. Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders.
Feel free to contact the CBC office for more information @ 972-355-3343.

Tuesday Night Discipleship servant team update:

CBC Student Ministry still needs someone to assist Ian in leading the sophomore guys’ Wednesday night small group. If you can help, or know of someone you think might be interested, please contact ASAP!

Next Baptism Service: Has been moved to September 27 as part of the evening worship service that day. Contact for further info.

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 9 Announcements & Special Photo Shoot Update

Thinking about serving Tuesday Night Discipleship in the Fall?
If so, please make plans to attend an information session regarding expectations, roles, dates for training sessions, etc., at 10:20AM on Sunday, August 9, in the Dungeon.

H.S. Sunday School, 10:45—11:50AM, in the Dungeon
August 9, 2009: Teachers, Dave & Cheri Hudspith. Topic: CBC Africa Mission.
No formal post-SS hang out August 9.

Wednesday Night, August 12, 2009. 7:00—9:00PM in the Dungeon
Mrs. Gelnett and Lisa Loniewsky will be hosting ALL CBC GIRLS in 6th-12th grade to hang out and get to know each other! There will be games, music, and all sorts of girly carrying-on, so bring a CD of your favorite music, some make-up/nail polish/etc., snacks and be ready to have a great night with the girls!

Student Ministry “Not of This World” Photo Shoot, August 16, after class.
Anybody in our student ministry who wants to help us populate our art gallery can have their photo taken as if you’d be on a “Rolling Stone” magazine cover. Tracy will be taking professional shots so we can decorate our “Inside-Out” gallery. It won’t take but about 5 minutes for each person, so come prepared to have fun being the center of attention and watch others be the center of attention!

Wednesday Night High School Small Group Kick-Off: August 19!
Begins at 7—8:30PM in the Dungeon for all high schoolers!
August 26, in home small groups begin in homes for Fall semester.
If you’d like groups to meet in your home, e-mail

CBC Student Ministry needs servants to assist in the following areas: Need assistant leaders for the sophomore guys Wednesday night study, the junior/senior guys Wednesday night study, assistant leaders (preferably a married couple) for the 10:45AM college ministry Sunday School class, and assistant leaders (again, a married couple preferred) for the college Wednesday night in-home study. If you can help, or know of someone you think might be interested, please contact ASAP!

Next Baptism Service: Has been moved back to August 30 as part of the evening worship service that day. Contact for further info.

Student Ministry “Not-Of-This-World” Photo Shoot
August 16, 2009, after Sunday School class
Preparation Instructions

1. Choose what you’re going to wear as well as what else you want in the picture. Remember, if you’re on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, the photographer wants to capture something that is uniquely YOU. So, think through the clothes you’re going to wear, accessories you want (musical instruments, hats, sporting equipment, etc.) that say something about who you are and what you’re about!

2. Find a MEDIUM to write on that is 22” x 28”—standard poster board size. It needs to be a light color that you can write on so it can be seen. It can be anything that size: An actual poster board you purchase, a sheet of butcher paper you cut to that size, a paint canvas, a cardboard box you cut out, a piece of plywood—USE YOUR IMAGINATION, and make sure it’s 22” x 28”

3. Design the sign that will be in the picture with you—EVERYBODY WILL HAVE THEIR SIGN IN THEIR PHOTO! That’s the point! You can choose if you’ll hold it or where you’ll put it in your picture but you will have a sign made BEFORE YOUR PHOTO SHOOT. You can choose from the following words or phrases, but ONLY THESE WORDS CAN BE ON YOUR SIGN and they need to be readable—so be choosy with what you want to put around/through/behind the words!

Masterpiece Alien & Stranger Chosen
Reconciled Redeemed Ransomed
Forgiven Justified Set Apart
Transformed Not Conformed Regenerated
Free From The Law Washed Hidden with Christ
Sealed Perfected for All Time Accepted
Born Again New Creation Not of This World
Child of God Prince Princess
Co-Heir Citizen of Heaven Royal Priesthood
Made Complete In Christ Temple of the Holy Spirit
Child of the King A Work in Progress Waiting for My King
Not Condemned Living Abundantly At Peace with God

Any other signage choices MUST BE APPROVED BY BRENT beforehand!

4. Contact Brent and let him know for sure if you’re going to take part ASAP. Photo slots will be given in the order they are received either by text message or Facebook or e-mail to

5. If you have any questions, contact Brent ASAP!