Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Notes from the parent meeting on May 29

You may want to go to the CBC High School Student Ministry Channel on Vimeo.com and follow along with the first hour of the meeting...

Crossroads Bible Church Student Ministry
2011-2012 Ministry Plan

Student Ministry Mission Statement: The CBC student ministry exists to assist the parents we serve as they disciple their teenagers by preaching Christ and making disciples among the students God brings us in grades 6—college.
Based on an evaluation of the past year and a review of our beliefs and values, in this fiscal year, we’d like to focus on the following areas:

Objective: Give more support to volunteer high school small group leaders. This will include better training, enhanced encouragement, guidance & support. Goal: Start, July. Initial presentation: September. Year-round maintenance.

Objective: Re-define the purpose and goals of the high school Sunday School class. Align use of the class hour around those findings. Set realistic, measurable & objective goals regarding the implementation and execution of findings. Goal: Start, July. Ongoing evaluation throughout the year.

Objective: Integrate high school student ministry with children, middle school and college ministries. Design and implement a ministry vision based on findings from the “Orange” Strategy Conference. This may include a “family experience” as a basis for integration. Goal: Start (preliminary meetings already in progress), June 2010. Family Experience kick-off in Fall, 2011. Integration of ministries will be an ongoing process as to vision and degree.

Objective: Design and implement a ministry to parents. Initially, this may be to high school/middle school parents, however, the goal is tied to ministry vision from “Orange.” This could take a variety of forms. Goal: Start, immediately. Ongoing discussion and implementation as Orange strategy/plan unfolds.

Objective: Reiterate value of student ministry art gallery. Provide opportunities for students to innovatively create art in a variety of mediums. Goal: Start, July. 12 months worth of activities, including photography, “gonzo” art, & film.

Crossroads Bible Church Student Ministry
Parent’s Meeting Notes
May 29, 2011.

I. Introduction of Staff:

A. Brent McKinney, Pastor of Student Ministries.
1. Been at Crossroads full-time in this position since August, 1996.
2. Graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Auburn University.

B. Charlie Ridenour, Director of Middle School Ministries.
1. Been at CBC since October, 2008. Grew up in Double Oak.
2. Graduated from Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College.

II. Mission Statement:

The CBC student ministry exists to assist the parents we serve as they disciple their teenagers by preaching Christ and making disciples among the students God brings us in grades 6—12.

“…assist the parents…”—
We are, quite simply, a resource that parents can use to the degree they have need. All of our “programs” may not be of specific use to your family. It is our understanding that of the 168 hours in a week, AT BEST, we can give 3 to any one kid…so, we’re well aware of our limitations.

“…we serve…”
It is our role to serve parents. The levels of service vary according to the needs of the family at any given time. One reality is that, at some time during high school, the teens will begin to make their faith their own…it is our desire to ensure that we reinforce the messages that parents have been giving their teens all along the way, so the teens can begin to make their faith their own while having a church staff that is saying the same things with a different voice.

“…as they disciple their teenagers…”
We see the parents as the primary disciplers of their teenagers.

“…preaching Christ and making disciples…”
We are not babysitters or entertainers. We do not view our ministry as trying to keep kids out of trouble or helping them be better students or citizens. We see our role as to preach Christ, using the living and active Word (being careful to avoid manipulating their emotions) and trusting the Holy Spirit to grow each teen in His time, in His way. Making disciples who are effective servants and ministers is NOT something that takes place when they’re grown-ups.

“…the students God brings us in grades 6—12.”
We try to avoid “numbers” talk. Our aims are the same if 2 teens show up or 200 teens show up. We’ll trust Him to grow, or shrink, this ministry as He sees fit. Also, please don’t ask us to make exceptions to grade levels. However, in the interest of parents grasping the actual size of the ministry, we have been averaging 160 students in Sunday School and roughly 140 in small groups every week. The reality of this lies in YOUR expectations of our staff. We cannot give every single student the personal attention you may desire.

III. For the “Rookie Parents” Middle School vs. High School.

A. CBC schedule now “shifts.”

Your primary discipleship options have now changed. The Sunday School class meets during our 2nd service at 10:45AM, rather than at 9AM. There are continuing education classes in our CE department that give you options at 10:45.

Wednesday night will now become the primary night for discipleship, and it’s off-campus (we try to serve by alternating between FMHS and MHS districts).

B. Twice a month organized times of fellowship.

Fellowship is an important part of the discipleship process. There are opportunities informally as well (movie nights, post-SS lunches, etc.)

C. Mission Trips/Ski Trips/Conferences/Service projects.

Now your teen will be a part of the high school ministry, there will be ample opportunities for them to be a part of these at an age appropriate level…obviously increasing in responsibility as they get older.

D. Assimilation to CBC as well as “high school.”

We view the summer as a crucial time for both, and they “handshake” with each other. Wednesday nights are, by design, highly fellowship oriented…NEW FOR THIS SUMMER: FB STATUS/TWITTERIFFIC WEDNESDAYS!!! (our plan is to announce an inexpensive gathering each Wednesday at 4PM…such as “Meet at CiCi’s Pizza for dinner tonight at 6PM” or “Join us for Sno-Cones on 2499 at 7PM.” This will help form friendships that will help them in the fall as well as give them a positive introduction to the ministry.

E. Social differences to prepare for:

They’re now involved with 18-year-olds (this will involve more “mature subject matter”—both good, like college, and bad, like life experiences).
They will have options that will expose their character and decision making abilities (riding around with people old enough to drive, which changes decision-making).
The “dating” element—it changes from “crushes” to more serious levels.
The “spiritual” element—“everybody else seems to be understanding it, but not me.”
The “making their faith their own” element—differences in “understanding”—more questioning of what they believe.
More “artistic” elements: Film festival, art, museums, jazz, etc.

IV. Communication with you:

A. Sunday School is primary manner we give out information to students. Weekly announcements sheets, e-mailed as well, year-calendars, parent’s meetings, Grapevine, web site.
B. Brent@crossroadsbible.org; Please contact me and we’ll put you on the mailing list for weekly announcement sheet mailings as well as sign up forms, etc. Make sure to include your child’s grade/gender as that’s how we break out our mailing lists.
C. An additional way: Facebook. Simply “friend” me and ask me to put you on the parent list. TWITTER! Simply sign up and “follow” me.

V. How YOU can serve US:

A. Avoid the “traps” teens use to avoid coming to CBC:
1. “no one likes me/I have no friends there” (check THEIR attitudes)
2. “Brent hates me” (we don’t hate any kids; we do correct them)
3. Get another perspective on their story (not all kids get all the information correctly)

B. Encourage attendance at CBC main services (may require scheduling on your part). DISCUSSION OF ADDING A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE ON SATURDAYS AT CBC—NOTHING IS CONCRETE AND IT’S ONLY ONE IDEA OF MANY…but there are benefits of worshiping together and opening up service avenues we currently do NOT have.

C. Serve by example (CBC needs your gifts and talents)

D. Lead by example! It’s hard to get them involved if YOU aren’t involved.

E. “Helping” your teen (remind them of what they’re coming for; help them get ready for Sundays with homework/work/extracurriculars, etc.). HAVE THEM BRING THEIR BIBLES—PREFERABLY NOT ON THEIR PHONES! Brent teaches out of the NASB, but we recommend the New Living Translation for early high school, and then going to the NASB some time around their junior or senior year…maybe one they take to college, etc.

F. Please don’t take care of ministry business with us in hallways.

G. Please make a home phone call to us the LAST effort you make to get information. (It’s one phone call to you, but it’s 50 to us) Try finding the written materials, or the CBC office, web, etc.)

H. Please observe and be respectful of ALL deadlines.

I. Drop by to talk/chat about your student! We LOVE this!!! It’s always enjoyable to discuss where your teen “is” in life and how we can serve together to allow them to transform.

VI. Questions and Answers:

VII. Close in prayer.

Student Ministry Key Events/Dates:
Need a host home for a high school pool party on June 29!
Twitteriffic/Status Update Wednesdays begin July 6 and continue through August 3.
High School Mission Trip (Ireland): Date, July 11-26, 2011.
August 22: LISD start of school.
High School Small Groups Start: August 24. End 1st Semester, December 7.
Pine Cove Service Weekend: October 21-23.
Christmas Party: December 16. LISD Holiday Break: December 21.
Return to school, January 2, 2012.
High School Small Groups Start: January 11. End 2nd Semester, May 16.
No Agenda Retreat: January 13-15, 2012. Pine Cove Shores.
LISD Spring Break, March 19—23.
Senior Speeches: May 19.
LISD last day of school May 31 (or June 1 for inclement weather)
Graduation dates: June 3 (MHS & LHS), June 4 (FMHS).
High School Mission Trip: June 9-16, 2012 (moved forward a week).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Announcements for Memorial Day Weekend

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry May 29, 2011 Announcements

Reminder: There will NOT be H.S. Sunday School this week! We will resume on June 5 with our Promotion Sunday! Join us as we welcome the class of 2015 to the student ministry!

High School Parent’s Meeting, May 29, 10:45AM in the Dungeon
and this meeting is for parents only, and all who have students in the classes of 2012—2015 are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The meeting will be over by the end of 2nd service.

Team Arizona Update:
1. Double-check the list (posted in the Dungeon/sent to Facebook groups) to make sure your name is on it. If your name IS NOT on it, we don’t have you signed up.
2. You may begin turning in your other forms ASAP (payment mailbox in the Dungeon or the CBC receptionist during office hours). This includes turning in your money as long as you have all the money for your trip. It would be helpful to have all the money and forms NO LATER than June 12.
3. Clear your calendar for June 5, after 2nd service. We will have a team meeting to finalize work teams, plans, etc. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!
4. Look over the packing list (available in the Dungeon) and begin getting your needed supplies.

It is our hope that everyone who attends Sunday School that date will bring $30, which will help us reach our goal of providing a well for a village in Africa before school is out. We’ve raised nearly $1,250! Our goal is $3,500 by June 5.…You can check our progress on the Facebook page “Water is Basic-CBC”

The Ultimate Frisbee game for the guys has been moved to Tuesday Night, May 31, on the CBC field from 7:00PM—8:30PM due to inclement weather. Everybody bring a water bottle!

(over please)

Brent will be teaching in the main services on June 12 with his tribute to the senior class…and the topic will be the life of Paul & his transformation.

*VBS @ CBC, June 27-30. If you’re interested in serving contact Dawn at dawnandcurtis2000@yahoo.com for more info.

Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve, contact the CBC office)
*Middle School Mission Project, June 12-16.

*Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation. Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause!

*Pray for Johan in Columbia (letter from him in class!) and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Announcements for May 22

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry May 22, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30AM: Senior Speeches!
Free Lunch from Rosa’s Café immediately afterward.
Seniors, you have 0 days until the meeting.
All former CBC students, current & former small group leaders, CBC elders/deacons/staff all have standing invitations. Parents & families (with the approval of your senior teen) of seniors & invited guests are all welcome to enjoy the speeches as well as attend the lunch afterward. Everyone should arrive early as seating is extremely limited!

Parent Service Opportunity: We still need 3 parents to help out to pick up lunch at Rosa’s Café at 11:15AM Sunday. It’s all been paid for, it simply has to be picked up and brought to CBC

High School Parent’s Meeting, May 29, 10:45AM in the Dungeon
There is no high school Sunday School class on that date…and this meeting is for parents only, and all who have students in the classes of 2012—2015 are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The meeting will be over by the end of 2nd service.

Team Arizona Update:
1. Double-check the list (posted in the Dungeon/sent to Facebook groups) to make sure your name is on it. If your name IS NOT on it, we don’t have you signed up.
2. You may begin turning in your other forms ASAP (payment mailbox in the Dungeon or the CBC receptionist during office hours). This includes turning in your money as long as you have all the money for your trip. It would be helpful to have all the money and forms NO LATER than June 12.
3. Clear your calendar for June 5, after 2nd service. We will have a team meeting to finalize work teams, plans, etc. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!
4. Look over the packing list (available in the Dungeon) and begin getting your needed supplies.

It is our hope that everyone who attends Sunday School that date will bring $30, which will help us reach our goal of providing a well for a village in Africa before school is out. We’ve raised nearly $1,250! Our goal is $3,500 by June 5.…You can check our progress on the Facebook page “Water is Basic-CBC”

(over, please)
All Juniors/Seniors will meet in the Dungeon on Wednesday, May 25 from 7:00PM—9:00PM for our annual guys/girls meeting.

All other small groups: Check with your group leader for any updates about your group’s year end party.

The Ultimate Frisbee game for the guys has been moved to Tuesday Night, May 31, on the CBC field from 7:00PM—8:30PM due to inclement weather. Everybody bring a water bottle!

PROMOTION SUNDAY: JUNE 5. Please make every effort to attend as we welcome the class of 2015 to our ministry!
PROMOTION SUNDAY FOR THE CLASS OF 2011: (Date change) Sunday, May 29, 5:00PM @ Chris & Kelly Turner’s house (2105 Welch Court, FM, 75028). A cookout and chance to get information about the summer ministry (with leader Ryan Millard, former CBC grad and seminary student). They have a pool & it should be a great time to get to see all the past CBCers!

*VBS @ CBC, June 27-30. If you’re interested in serving contact Dawn at dawnandcurtis2000@yahoo.com for more info.
Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve, contact the CBC office)
*Middle School Mission Project, June 12-16.

*The loose-change offering ENDS TODAY! Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation. Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause!

*Pray for Johan in Columbia (letter from him in class!) and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!

Children’s Ministries would like to show appreciation to our teachers who currently serve in Sunday School. On May 22, from 8:45am—9:45am we need 7 volunteers to help facilitate the 1st—5th grade classrooms (no teaching required). If you’re interested, contact Cindy.Renner@CrossroadsBible.Org ASAP.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Announcements for the week

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry
May 15, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney will be reviewing the important things over the last 4 years that he wants the seniors to remember. Last week’s study will be posted on the Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School channel on vimeo.com.

TEAM IRELAND MEETING: Today, May 15, after 2nd service, in the Dungeon! If anyone on TEAM IRELAND has any money they’d like to deposit, please bring it and place it in an envelope with your name on it.

Senior Speeches: Sunday, May 22, 10:30AM, lunch from Rosa’s Café immediately following. (There are 7 days until Senior Speeches).
Seniors: If you couldn’t attend the meeting where they were discussed, you can pick up an instruction sheet in class today. Underclassmen: Make sure to get there on time as we will start promptly. Parents: As a reminder, you must be invited by your teen to attend, and usually they invite the entire family. Of course everyone is invited to stay afterward for lunch! Former CBC students, current & former high school small group leaders, CBC elders/deacons/staff all have standing invitations.

Service opportunity: We have need of parents to pick up the lunch at Rosa’s as well as set up the lunch in The Dungeon for self-serve. Please respond to Brent and let him know if you’re interested!

High School Parent’s Meeting: May 29, 10:45AM in the Dungeon
There is NO HIGH SCHOOL CLASS ON THAT DATE…but all parents who have students in the classes of 2012-2015 are strongly encouraged to attend. The meeting will be over by the end of 2nd service.

TEAM ARIZONA: Team Meeting June 5 after 2nd service in the Dungeon (parents welcome to attend as well). We will be accepting all your forms (it would be IDEAL if everyone had them by this meeting). Also, we still have need for 2 more moms to go on the trip with us, so if you’re interested, please contact Brent ASAP. Finally, we need everyone to check the FINAL LIST posted in the Dungeon and make sure your name is on it…if it isn’t on it, YOU AREN’T SIGNED UP! All support letters should’ve already been mailed out: don’t forget that your support letters MUST be approved by Brent before you mail them out.

Over, please
ALL GROUPS MEET @ CBC from 7:00—8:30PM for the Year-End Communion Service on May 18, 2011.
May 25 @ CBC, 7:00—9:00PM, Junior/Senior Guys/Girls meeting.
No coming over to Brent’s house after studies this week. We’ll resume later in the summer!

The Final WATERISBASIC.ORG Sunday is June 5!
Remember: If EVERYONE who comes to Sunday School brings $30 on BOTH June 5 we’ll reach our goal by the end of the school year! You can check our progress on the FB page “Water is Basic-CBC”

Due to unprecedented storm warnings last Wednesday night, the All-Guys Annual Small Groups Ultimate Frisbee game has been rescheduled for Wednesday Night, June 1. Meet @ CBC at 6:50PM. We’ll play until dark or 8:30PM, whichever is first. Seniors/Freshmen vs. Juniors/Sophomores.
Bring a water bottle!

2011 Seniors will be “promoted” May 28 for a college class cookout/kickoff at Chris & Kelly Turner’s house in the afternoon. Full details of the college summer ministry TBA next weekend after Senior Speeches!

Promotion Sunday, June 5. Brent’s teaching in CBC main services June 12 (senior tribute)

Service Opportunities:

Children’s Ministries would like to show appreciation to our teachers who currently serve in Sunday School. On May 22 from 8:45am—9:45am we need 7 volunteers to help facilitate the 1st—5th grade classrooms (no teaching is required). If you are interested in serving please contact Cindy.Renner@crossroadsbible.org ASAP!

*Want to help with VBS (June 27-30)? Contact Dawn Marshall at dawnandcurtis2000@yahoo.com IMMEDIATELY!!!
*Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve)
*Middle School Mission Project, 6/12-16

*The loose-change worship offering will continue on May 8, 15 & 22. Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation.

*Pray for Johan in Columbia (letter from him in class!) and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Announcements for May 8

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry
May 8, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney will be teaching on May 8 and finishing the study on 1 Corinthians in chapters 14-16 focusing on love and the importance of the resurrection. Last week’s study of spiritual gifts and the importance of love in their use is posted on the Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School channel on vimeo.com.
Sunday School on May 15: Year-End Review. Brent McKinney, teaching.

Senior Speeches: Sunday, May 22, 10:30AM, lunch from Rosa’s Café immediately following. (There are 14 days until Senior Speeches).
Seniors: If you couldn’t attend the meeting where they were discussed, you can pick up an instruction sheet in class today. Underclassmen: Make sure to get there on time as we will start promptly. Parents: As a reminder, you must be invited by your teen to attend, and usually they invite the entire family. Of course everyone is invited to stay afterward for lunch! Former CBC students, current & former high school small group leaders, CBC elders/deacons/staff all have standing invitations.
Service opportunity: We have need of parents to pick up the lunch at Rosa’s as well as set up the lunch in The Dungeon for self-serve. Please respond to Brent and let him know if you’re interested!

High School Parent’s Meeting: May 29, 10:45AM in the Dungeon
There is NO HIGH SCHOOL CLASS ON THAT DATE…but all parents who have students in the classes of 2012-2015 are strongly encouraged to attend. The meeting will be over by the end of 2nd service.

All support letters should’ve already been mailed out: don’t forget that your support letters MUST be approved by Brent before you mail them out.

Attn: All Marcus High School prom-goers! If you’d like to wear your tuxedos/prom dresses to 1st service and help out with the offering, please contact Mike@crossroadsbible.org and let him know you’ll be helping during the service on Sunday, May 15!
Over, please

All Guys Small Groups Meet @ CBC at 6:50PM for our annual game of Ultimate Frisbee, Wednesday Night, May 11, 2011. We’ll play until dark or 8:30PM, whichever is first. Seniors/Freshmen vs. Juniors/Sophomores.
Bring a water bottle!

Wednesday Night Discipleship, May 11 from 7:00PM—8:30PM in the following area homes:
Junior/Senior Girls @ the Gelnett’s: 2619 Beirstadt, HV, 75077. Sharon Gelnett & Melissa Williams, leaders.
Sophomore Girls @ the Green’s: 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane, FM, 75028. Sue Green & Faith Oldenburg, leaders.
Freshman Girls @ the Smith’s: 303 Highland Court, Double Oak, 75077. Laura Smith & Megan Zeller, leaders.
ALL GROUPS MEET @ CBC from 7:00—8:30PM for the Year-End Communion Service on May 18, 2011.
May 25 @ CBC, 7:00—9:00PM, Junior/Senior Guys/Girls meeting.
No coming over to Brent’s house after studies this week. We’ll resume later in the summer!

TEAM IRELAND MEETING: May 15, after 2nd service, in the Dungeon!

The Final WATERISBASIC.ORG Sunday is June 5!
Remember: If EVERYONE who comes to Sunday School brings $30 on BOTH June 5 we’ll reach our goal by the end of the school year! You can check our progress on the FB page “Water is Basic-CBC”

2011 Seniors will be “promoted” May 28 for a college class cookout/kickoff. Full details of the college summer ministry TBA next weekend!

Promotion Sunday, June 5. Brent’s teaching in CBC main services June 12 (senior tribute)

Service Opportunities:

*Want to help with VBS (June 27-30)? Contact Dawn Marshall at dawnandcurtis2000@yahoo.com IMMEDIATELY!!!
*Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve)
*Middle School Mission Project, 6/12-16

*The loose-change worship offering will continue on May 8, 15 & 22. Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation.

*Pray for Johan in Columbia (letter from him in class!) and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!