Friday, October 29, 2010


H.S. Sunday School October 31, 2010.
10:30—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
Today: A look at our identity in Christ, with Adam Griffin (FMHS teacher/area youth worker) teaching. The latest class session can be found here: The Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School has a channel on here: All the high school video passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find the session that matches.

Yeah…so…ummm…today…SIGN UPS FOR NO AGENDA BEGIN!!!!
Super Early-Bird sign-ups begin for our annual retreat to Pine Cove Shores on January 14-16, 2011. Grab a sign up sheet and reserve your spot today (limited spots)…the price goes up after 11/15 and after that date we can’t guarantee spots—waiting lists have developed in the past. Also, you can pick up an information sheet in the Dungeon with what to pack, where to park if you’re leaving your car at CBC, etc.

Today, at 12:15PM after class: The Women’s Ministry at CBC built a replica of the Temple as an object lesson in rooms 203A&B upstairs. They are inviting the entire church to take a guided tour this afternoon…it might be of interest to you and your family after our discussion on law & atonement!

Wednesday Night Discipleship, November 3, 2010, 7--8:30PM
In the following area homes:
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV.
Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028.
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.
Don’t forget that everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM!

Next Senior Lunch: Sunday, November 7, 12:45—1:45PM, @Brent’s

Baptism service: November 14@CBC in the service. Contact Brent or Charlie if you’re interested! We already have 2 high school students signed up, and we’ll be able to take sign-ups through Nov. 7. Try to let us know before then!

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: We’re hoping to have the photos edited and on-line by ASAP. We’ll let you know as soon as they’re available!

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and we’re continuing this effort each week! Thanks so much for your generosity to this cause! On the last Sunday of every month this school year, we’re asking everyone to make a $5 donation in Sunday School as an act of worship. With the time increase, we’ll have time to pray for the village and all that. We’ll be getting more information from our organizational team (Claire Stewart, Matt Hudspith, Ross Morales, Nicole Pazary, and Connor Ashburn) in the next few weeks (including possible additional fundraisers).
SUNDAY Oct. 31(TODAY) will be our next offering

*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).

We have opportunities to serve in our Teen MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) ministry by planning/preparing dinners (and eating them with the members) and/or collecting needed baby items for the Teen Mops Store. Contact Michelle Anthony at for all the details and other information!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry October 24, 2010 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School October 24, 2010.
10:30—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
Today: A time of worship, journaling, prayer and practicing the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. The class will be led by Cheri Hudspith and should be a great time to enjoy His presence!
Obviously, we’re taking a break from our series on Knowing Christ. Last week’s class can be found here: The Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School has a channel on here: All the high school videos passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find the session that matches.

Special thanks to all the junior/senior guys for the detailing of the girls’ cars last week!
Special thanks to all the girls who attended Girl Talk last week!

Wednesday Night Discipleship, October 27, 2010, 7--8:30PM
In the following area homes:
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV.
Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028.
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.
Don’t forget that everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM!

Next Senior Lunch: Sunday, November 7, 12:45—1:45PM, @Brent’s
(unless the Rangers are in the World Series…in which case it’s 11/14)

Baptism service: November 14@CBC in the service. Contact Brent or Charlie if you’re interested! We already have 2 high school students signed up, and we’ll be able to take sign-ups through Nov. 7. Try to let us know before then!
(over, please)

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: We’re hoping to have the photos edited and on-line by October 24. We’ll let you know as soon as they’re available!

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and we’re continuing this effort each week! Thanks so much for your generosity to this cause! On the last Sunday of every month this school year, we’re asking everyone to make a $5 donation in Sunday School as an act of worship. With the time increase, we’ll have time to pray for the village and all that. We’ll be getting more information from our organizational team (Claire Stewart, Matt Hudspith, Ross Morales, Nicole Pazary, and Connor Ashburn) in the next few weeks (including possible additional fundraisers).
SUNDAY Oct. 31(that’s next week!) will be our next offering

The high school Pine Cove service weekend should return to CBC no later than 4PM on Sunday

*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).

Interested in serving by leading worship at Pinewood retirement home on either the 1st Sunday of every month or the 4th Sunday? It consists of leading 3 songs before the message and 1 song after. The service starts at 9:30AM. If you’re interested, contact!

We have opportunities to serve in our Teen MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) ministry by planning/preparing dinners (and eating them with the members) and/or collecting needed baby items for the Teen Mops Store. Contact Michelle Anthony at for all the details and other information!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Weekend Announcements

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry October 17, 2010 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School October 17, 2010.
10:30—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney, teaching. We’re in week #7 of our series on Knowing Christ. We’re focusing on Hebrews 10, which teaches us the finality of the Cross as well as practical applications. Last week’s class available here:
The Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School has a channel on here: All the high school videos passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find the session that matches.

TODAY (10/17), 12:15—1:45PM Jr./Sr. Guys Service Project: Washing Jr./Sr. girls’ cars! In the CBC parking lot next to the CBC storage shed! Wash the outside, vacuum & dust the insides! Don’t cost nothin’!

Girl Talk: October 17, 2-4PM at CBC. Watching “The Blind Side.” Please let them know you’re attending by e-mail at if you can before Sunday!!!!.

Wednesday Night Discipleship, October 20, 2010, 7--8:30PM
In the following area homes:
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams,, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV. Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028.
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.
Don’t forget that everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM!

Next Senior Lunch: Sunday, November 7, 12:45—1:45PM, @Brent’s

(over, please)

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: We’re hoping to have the photos edited and on-line by October 24. We’ll let you know as soon as they’re available!

Baptism service: November 14@CBC in the service. Contact Brent or Charlie if you’re interested!

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and we’re continuing this effort each week! Thanks so much for your generosity to this cause! On the last Sunday of every month this school year, we’re asking everyone to make a $5 donation in Sunday School as an act of worship. With the time increase, we’ll have time to pray for the village and all that. We’ll be getting more information from our organizational team (Claire Stewart, Matt Hudspith, Ross Morales, Nicole Pazary, and Connor Ashburn) in the next few weeks (including possible additional fundraisers).
SUNDAY October 31 will be our next offering!!!!

The high school Pine Cove service weekend at The Timbers is set for Oct. 22—24, 2010! Sign ups are closed as the list is full and the waiting list is very large: The team members are:Megan Anthony, Vanessa Price, Alicia Morales, Nicole Pazary, Carlen Day, Brooke Nuorola, Shelby McKinney, Danny Green, Bryce Haase, Grayson Schweers, Eric Rose & Calvin Jones. The van leaves the CBC lot at 6PM. Eat first, and make sure to bring your gear to load on the middle school busses!

*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).

Interested in serving by leading worship at Pinewood retirement home on either the 1st Sunday of every month or the 4th Sunday? It consists of leading 3 songs before the message and 1 song after. The service starts at 9:30AM. If you’re interested, contact!

Weekend Teaching

Crossroads Bible Church Sr. High Student Ministry
Sunday School Class Notes, October 17, 2010.
Knowing Christ, Week #8. Importance of the Ressurrection.


The “GREAT PROBLEM of the BIBLE”: How can __________________________ people be made “right” in the eyes of a God who is _____________________.

Our iniquities (sin)…
The wages of sin…

This problem is two-fold problem demands a two-fold solution:

Discussion Starter: Watch the scene from “Dead Poets Society.” What does Professor Keating take his students to stand before? Why might this be significant? Who does he compare himself to by inferring the Walt Whitman reference? Why might this be significant? What is the point of the poem read by Mr. Pitts? What question does he ask referencing the boys in the photo? What is his charge to the class? Why do you think this scene has become one of the most memorable scenes in the last 25 years?

Ephesians 2: 1—10. A Key CBC Student Ministry passage.

In verse 1, what WERE we?

Trespasses = sins =

How did we formerly walk and live according to verse 2 & 3?

What were we “by nature?” (review from last week: Why is this necessary?)


God is rich in… Has great…

Verse 5: God made us...

This is in the perfect tense, which means…

(over, please)

Verse 6: What other two things did God do?

Side note: John 10: 10

Verse 7: WHY would He do this?

A reminder in verses 8 & 9 on WHO did the work:

In verse 10: We are his… Greek word:

Why were we created?

Since we were created for this, what is the natural conclusion?

2 Corinthians 5: 14-17, An Understanding of Our Standing Before God:

In verse 14, WHAT controls us? Greek word highlights…

In verse 15, if He died for all, what else did He do for all?

In verse 16, HOW are we to recognize those that are in a relationship with Christ?

In verse 17, If any man is in Christ, he is a…

Applications to our lives:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Announcements & SS Lesson for this Weekend

H.S. Sunday School October 10, 2010.
10:30—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney, teaching. We’re in week #7 of our series on Knowing Christ. We’re focusing on Hebrews 10, which teaches us the finality of the Cross as well as practical applications. Last week’s class available here:
The Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School has a channel on here: All the high school videos passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find the session that matches.

Wednesday Night Discipleship, October 13, 2010, 7--8:30PM
In the following area homes:
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams,, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV. Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028.
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.
Don’t forget that everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM!

Please e-mail or text Brent to let him know if you’re interested in attending Thursday Morning Discipleship: 6:44—7:42AM, Beginning on October 14!

This is for all those students who have scheduling conflicts or other reasons that the Wednesday night group isn’t practical for you, we’ll be starting a study through Ephesians (lead by Brent and various members of the CBC staff/ministry). We’ll meet in the Dungeon for prayer and time in the Word. This group will be co-ed and all age groups will meet together. Please RSVP by Tuesday at 5PM to let Brent know ASAP if you plan on attending so we can plan effectively!

Next Senior Lunch: Sunday, November 7, 12:45—1:45PM, @Brent’s

Girl Talk: October 17, 2-4PM at CBC. Watching “The Blind Side.” Please let them know you’re attending by e-mail at
(over, please)

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: We’re hoping to have the photos edited and on-line by October 24. We’ll let you know as soon as they’re available!

Baptism service: November 14@CBC in the service. Contact Brent or Charlie if you’re interested!

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and we’re continuing this effort each week! Thanks so much for your generosity to this cause! On the last Sunday of every month this school year, we’re asking everyone to make a $5 donation in Sunday School as an act of worship. With the time increase, we’ll have time to pray for the village and all that. We’ll be getting more information from our organizational team (Claire Stewart, Matt Hudspith, Ross Morales, Nicole Pazary, and Connor Ashburn) in the next few weeks (including possible additional fundraisers).
SUNDAY October 31 will be our next offering!!!!

The high school Pine Cove service weekend at The Timbers is set for Oct. 22—24, 2010! Sign ups are closed as the list is full and the waiting list is very large: The team members are:
Megan Anthony, Vanessa Price, Alicia Morales, Nicole Pazary, Lauren King, Brooke Nuorola, Shelby McKinney, Elli Dinkmeyer, Danny Green, Bryce Haase, Grayson Schweers, Eric Rose & Calvin Jones. If you can’t use this spot, we do have a waiting list, so let Brent know ASAP if you’re going or not!

*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).

Interested in serving by leading worship at Pinewood retirement home on either the 1st Sunday of every month or the 4th Sunday? It consists of leading 3 songs before the message and 1 song after. The service starts at 9:30AM. If you’re interested, contact!

Crossroads Bible Church Sr. High Student Ministry
Sunday School Class Notes, October 10, 2010.
Knowing Christ, Week #7. The Importance of the Cross.

The “GREAT PROBLEM of the BIBLE”: How can __________________________ people be made “right” in the eyes of a God who is _____________________.

Genesis 3: 1—7:

Compare verse 3 with 2:17. Was Eve correct?
In verse 6, what 3 things give insight into her motivation?
In 3: 19, what is the end result?

Isaiah 59: 1-2: Our iniquities (sin)…

Romans 6: 23: The wages of sin:

This problem is two-fold problem demands a two-fold solution:

Psalm 11: 4-6 shows us that God’s response to evil, because of His holiness, has to be…

Discussion Starter: Watch the scenes from “Rachel Getting Married.” How does Kim describe herself & how long has she been clean? What are her thoughts on God and His forgiveness? What insight does she give as to why she turned to drugs? In the scene with her mom, what question does she ask? Why do you think she asks it? Do you think she wrecks the car on purpose? Why or why not? If so, where do you think she “stands” in her rehabilitation? If her family said, “We love Kim just as she is and don’t want her to change,” would you question that nature of their love? Why would they want to “rehabilitate” her, anyway?

Forgiveness is _____________________________________ if there aren’t real _____________________________________.

Hebrews 10:
Verse 1&2:

Verses 10-12:

Verse 18:

Applications to our lives: “Let us…” in Hebrews 10: 19-25:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sunday School Lesson for Oct. 3

Crossroads Bible Church Sr. High Student Ministry
Sunday School Class Notes, October 3, 2010.
Knowing Christ, Week #6. Law & Grace/Law of Love.

Discussion Starter: Watch the scene from “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” What is Jeannie’s issue? When the “thug” offers a potential option, why does she say that she can’t do that? What is the thug’s diagnosis? Does Jeannie agree? What is the solution to the diagnosis? Which of these characters do we like more & why? What change do you see in Jeannie and why do you think she does?

Galatians 5:

Verse 1: Why did Christ set us free? What is the assumed response? (“therefore…”)
Verse 4: What causes us to “fall from grace?”
Verse 6: What doesn’t mean something? CONTRAST: What does?
Verses 7—12: What were they doing & what happened? How was this caused? What is Paul’s logic in distancing from false teaching? What is his desire for the false teachers?

Verses 13—15: If verse 1 is true, what is the caution Paul gives us? How do we avoid this? What is the fulfillment of the Law?

Verses 16—24: What is the command in v. 16? If we do this, what will NOT happen? What two entities are at odds with each other? What does the Spirit keep us from doing? If we are under the Spirit, what no longer applies?

Examples of the flesh:

(is this a complete list? What happens to those that practice these things?)

Fruit of the Spirit:

Verses 25 & 26: What is the assumption? What is the warning?

Applications to our lives:

Weekend Announcements

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry October 3, 2010 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School October 3, 2010.
10:30—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney, teaching. We’re in week #6 of our series on Knowing Christ. We’re focusing on Galatians 5, which teaches us standing firm in our freedom. Last week’s class available here:
The Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School has a channel on here: All the high school videos passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find the date of the class session that matches.

Wednesday Night Discipleship, October 6, 2010, 7--8:30PM
In the following area homes:
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams,, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV. THIS WEEK: All the girls are meeting at Melissa’s as Mrs. G’s out of town!
Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028. THIS WEEK: Red Meat & Movie (bring your own fast-food dinner, and Brent’s grilling brats for dessert!)
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.

Don’t forget that everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM!

Thursday Morning Discipleship: 6:44—7:42AM, Beginning on October 14, 2010! For all those students who have scheduling conflicts or other reasons that the Wednesday night group isn’t practical for you, we’ll be starting a study through Ephesians (lead by Brent and various members of the CBC staff/ministry). We’ll meet in the Dungeon for prayer and time in the Word. This group will be co-ed and all age groups will meet together. Please let Brent know ASAP if you plan on attending so we can plan most effectively!

Next Senior Lunch: Sunday, November 7, 12:45—1:45PM, @Brent’s

(over, please)

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: Thanks to everyone who took part in the photo shoot last Sunday, and as soon as the photos are edited, we’ll make sure to get you all the details regarding how to access the photos!

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and we’re continuing this effort each week! Thanks so much for your generosity to this cause! On the last Sunday of every month this school year, we’re asking everyone to make a $5 donation in Sunday School as an act of worship. With the time increase, we’ll have time to pray for the village and all that. We’ll be getting more information from our organizational team (Claire Stewart, Matt Hudspith, Ross Morales, Nicole Pazary, and Connor Ashburn) in the next few weeks (including possible additional fundraisers).
SUNDAY October 31 will be our next offering!!!!

The high school Pine Cove service weekend at The Timbers is set for Oct. 22—24, 2010! Sign ups are closed as the list is full and the waiting list is very large: The team members are:
Megan Anthony, Vanessa Price, Alicia Morales, Nicole Pazary, Lauren King, Brooke Nuorola, Shelby McKinney, Elli Dinkmeyer, Matt Hudspith, Danny Green, Bryce Haase, Grayson Schweers, Eric Rose & Calvin Jones. If you can’t use this spot, we do have a waiting list, so let Brent know ASAP if you’re going or not!

*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).

Interested in serving by leading worship at Pinewood retirement home on either the 1st Sunday of every month or the 4th Sunday? It consists of leading 3 songs before the message and 1 song after. The service starts at 9:30AM. If you’re interested, contact!