Friday, February 25, 2011


Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry February 27, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney continutes the 1 Corinthians series in Chapter 5: Dangers of Permissiveness of Sin.
All the lessons from the current series are posted on the Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School channel on here: All the high school video passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). There are no notes on the web site as we’re walking through the texts asking “who, what, where, when, why & how?”

WATERISBASIC.ORG Sunday is February 27! During worship in class, we’ll have buckets for your donations! We’ve currently raised over $800 so we’ve got a good start to our goal of $3,500 by May 29…and the suggested donation per person is $10 a month to help us reach our goal.

CBC’s 3rd Annual Oscar Night “Pick The Winners Contest”
Since this is the Super Bowl of Movies we like to give everyone a chance to pick the winners of 2010’s best movies/actors/etc. Simply pick up a sheet in Sunday School (must be in class to get one!) & fill it out. Winner gets a $50 gift certificate to AMC Theaters!

Wednesday Night Discipleship in area homes on March 2, 2011.
7:00PM—8:30PM in the following area homes:
Senior Guys @ the McKinney’s: 5237 Prairie Creek Dr. FM, 75028. Brent McKinney, Sean Green & Matt Haase, leaders.
Junior/Senior Girls @ the Gelnett’s: 2619 Beirstadt, HV, 75077. Sharon Gelnett & Melissa Williams, leaders.
Sophomore Girls @ the Green’s: 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane, FM, 75028. Sue Green & Faith Oldenburg, leaders.
Freshman Girls @ the Smith’s: 303 Highland Court, Double Oak, 75077. Laura Smith & Megan Zeller, leaders.
Freshman/Sophomore/Junior Guys @ the Eiffert’s: 916 Inverness Circle, HV, 75077.
Ian Cook, leader.

Don’t forget! Everyone is invited to hang out at Brent’s after studies until 10PM!
(over, please)

Trip Dates: July 11-26, 2011. Applications available in Sunday School today, and due on March 13.

True Love Waits! Save the dates (all Thursdays) April 14, 21 & 28.
In the Dungeon, 7:00-8:15PM
Ceremony during Sunday School on May 1. 10:30AM-11AM.
More details to come! Sign ups begin NEXT WEEK!!!!.

Dates for Summer Arizona Mission Trip with Amor Ministries: June 18-25, 2011.
VBS @ CBC, June 13-17, Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve)
Missions Weekend @ CBC: February 11-13, 2011.
L.I.S.D. Spring Break: March 14-18, 2011.
Easter: April 24, 2011. We will have a sleepover to set up for the sunrise service the night before, so clear your calendar now!
CBC Student Ministry Senior Speeches: May 22, 2011 = 82 Days.

SENIOR MEETING: March 6, 2011, at Brent’s house, 1:00--2:15PM

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause!

Love music & kids? If you are interested in serving with children’s worship, text Mrs. Shipley at 214-808-2107. We meet @ 8:15 to practice the music and spend about 15 minutes with the kids leading worship! Contact her ASAP if you’re interested.

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: The photos are posted via Facebook on Tracy Thomason McKinney’s page. Some of you may need to “friend” her to gain access.

*Pray for Johan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekend Announcements

Hi Everybody!

Just a reminder that our Missions Weekend kicks off tonight, February 11, 2011, from 5:30pm-7:30pm with a dinner to meet and greet our missionaries (soup dinner starts at 5:30pm) as well as spend time in prayer with them (starts at approximately 6:45pm). Everyone is invited…and you can show up even if you haven’t made a reservation! We also hope you’ll make a special effort to make reservations for Sunday evening’s time with Tyler and Charlie…that’s something different we haven’t done before and should be very cool!

Oh, yeah. I’m giving my official “No Snow Guarantee” for small group Bible study groups on Wednesday night! They’re going to happen. Just know that and plan on it! It’s supposed to be 71* and sunny so I can’t imagine LISD calling it off again!


Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry February 13, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon.
2/13/11, Craig Lauchner, former CBC student now a missionary, will be emphasizing missions!
Brent McKinney continutes the 1 Corinthians series next week with a look at Chapter 4: A deeper look at the role of a pastor.
All the lessons from the current series are posted on the Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School channel on here: All the high school video passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). There are no notes on the web site as we’re walking through the texts asking “who, what, where, when, why & how?”

Missions Conversation with Charlie Ridenour and Tyler Savage, TONIGHT, 5:30-7:30PM In The CBC Auditorium. Please make reservations for the dinner & dialogue by tearing off the strip in the Grapevine and either dropping it in the offering basket in main services or giving to Brent in Sunday School!

Wednesday Night Discipleship in area homes on February 16.
7:00PM—8:30PM in the following area homes:
Senior Guys @ the McKinney’s: 5237 Prairie Creek Dr. FM, 75028. Brent McKinney, Sean Green & Matt Haase, leaders.
Junior/Senior Girls @ the Gelnett’s: 2619 Beirstadt, HV, 75077. Sharon Gelnett & Melissa Williams, leaders.
Sophomore Girls @ the Green’s: 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane, FM, 75028. Sue Green & Faith Oldenburg, leaders.
Freshman Girls @ the Smith’s: 303 Highland Court, Double Oak, 75077. Laura Smith & Megan Zeller, leaders.
Freshman/Sophomore/Junior Guys @ the Eiffert’s: 916 Inverness Circle, HV, 75077.
Ian Cook, leader.
Don’t forget! Everyone is invited to hang out at Brent’s after studies until 10PM!

Worship Night in the Dungeon: Next Sunday Night, Feb. 20, 2011.
Worship Service: 7:01—8:14PM. Hanging out afterward 8:19—9:29PM. (soft drinks & snacks provided by CBC)
Join us for a time to experience and celebrate God’s presence with times of prayer, some songs, some silence and more…Simply show up and prepare to worship, with Parker Smith & Ross Morales leading!

(over, please)

True Love Waits! Save the dates (all Thursdays) April 14, 21 & 28.
In the Dungeon, 7:00-8:15PM
Ceremony during Sunday School on May 1. 10:30AM-11AM.
More details to come! Sign ups begin late February.

WATERISBASIC.ORG Sunday is February 27! During worship on that Sunday morning, we’ll have buckets for your donations! We currently have raised over $800 so we’ve got a good start to our goal of $3,500 by May 29…and the suggested donation per person is $10 a month to help us reach our goal.

Dates for Summer Arizona Mission Trip with Amor Ministries: June 18-25, 2011.
VBS @ CBC, June 13-17, Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve)
Missions Weekend @ CBC: February 11-13, 2011.
L.I.S.D. Spring Break: March 14-18, 2011.
Easter: April 24, 2011. We will have a sleepover to set up for the sunrise service the night before, so clear your calendar now!
CBC Student Ministry Senior Speeches: May 22, 2011 = 96 Days.

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written three checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and WE’LL BE WRITING ANOTHER CHECK ASAP and we’re likely close to our 4th CHECK!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause!

Love music & kids? If you are interested in serving with children’s worship, text Mrs. Shipley at 214-808-2107. We meet @ 8:15 to practice the music and spend about 15 minutes with the kids leading worship! Contact her ASAP if you’re interested.

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: The photos are posted via Facebook on Tracy Thomason McKinney’s page. Some of you may need to “friend” her to gain access.

*Pray for Johan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. We have a letter from Johan to read in class, and a thank you from the president of Compassion!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Just a reminder in case there are any questions: Wednesday night in-home studies are cancelled when L.I.S.D. is closed. And, since schools were closed on Wednesday, February 9, enjoy your night off and hopefully we'll be able to meet NEXT week!