Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Announcements for August 22

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry August 22, 2010 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School August 22, 2010.
10:45—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney, teaching. We’re finishing a 3-week series on vision and mission.
This Week: Ephesians overview = Your Identity in Christ
Current series week #1 Sunday School class is available here: Last week’s class is available here: Password for both is abc123, and notes for both are available at (you’ll have to scroll to find them).

Senior Dinner @ Brent’s house: Tonight 8/22, 2010: 6:00-7:30PM
Wingstop for dinner, bring $3 in exact change, and we’ll be reviewing from our meeting in El Paso plus giving you the updates for where we’re headed in the Fall semester!

August 23: Back To School Breakfast, 7:00—7:30AM @ CBC Dungeon, with Chick Fil A biscuits and orange juice. $2 person. Please RSVP to Brent’s FB account so we can get the accurate amount of food & juice!

Wednesday Night discipleship resumes on August 25 with a kick-off meeting in the Dungeon @ CBC, 7PM—8:30PM. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their students. Parents will meet with Brent from 7:15-8:00PM.
In home discipleship begins September 1.

(over, please)
CBC Fall Student Art Gallery Submissions Begin This Week!
Attention all artists, wanna-be artists, or people who think they might possibly want to be an artist: We are re-starting our Inside Out Student Art Gallery this fall, and we have the opportunity to showcase YOUR photographs, sketches, drawings, paintings, and poetry beginning on Sunday, September 5.
Simply frame any work that exemplifies your experience in the category of “Summer 2010.” Make sure to put your name, year of graduation and e-mail address (in case people want to purchase the work, they can do so directly with you) on an index card we can display next to the work. If you haven’t started, BEGIN NOW! Once you have your work, please e-mail as we will have a limit of 40 pieces and we need to know how much gallery space to reserve.

Save The Date: Remember last year’s “Masterpiece” photo shoot? This year we’ve got Tracy McKinney taking your photos again with a different theme…and we’re adding a “family” photo shoot after students are done that will fit the same theme but can be used for that recent family photo you’ve been meaning to take or Christmas cards or whatever. The date will be on Sunday afternoon, September 26. We’ll provide sign ups and pizza lunch as well…more info later this summer!

Service Opportunities:

We’re currently looking for an assistant for Mrs. Gelnett and the class of 2011 girls’ small group. If you know of somebody you think would be GREAT at this role and can serve on Wednesday nights, contact Brent@crossroadsbible ASAP! We’re trying to finalize the small group ministry for the year.

Wow! The school year hasn’t even started yet and we’ve already reached our goal of $500…so we’re going to try to fund another one ASAP! If you’re interested in the organization we’re donating to, you can check out the Somaly Mam Foundation at Thanks SO much for your generosity to this cause! We’re putting together a group, Claire Stewart, Matt Hudspith, Ross Morales, Nicole Pazary, and Connor Ashburn, to help us out with a plan to help a needy village in Africa get clean water through ALARM ministries. You’ll be getting more info soon!

Want to get a jump on you fall schedule? The high school Pine Cove service weekend at The Timbers is set for Oct. 22—24, 2010!

*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).

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