Friday, October 15, 2010

Weekend Teaching

Crossroads Bible Church Sr. High Student Ministry
Sunday School Class Notes, October 17, 2010.
Knowing Christ, Week #8. Importance of the Ressurrection.


The “GREAT PROBLEM of the BIBLE”: How can __________________________ people be made “right” in the eyes of a God who is _____________________.

Our iniquities (sin)…
The wages of sin…

This problem is two-fold problem demands a two-fold solution:

Discussion Starter: Watch the scene from “Dead Poets Society.” What does Professor Keating take his students to stand before? Why might this be significant? Who does he compare himself to by inferring the Walt Whitman reference? Why might this be significant? What is the point of the poem read by Mr. Pitts? What question does he ask referencing the boys in the photo? What is his charge to the class? Why do you think this scene has become one of the most memorable scenes in the last 25 years?

Ephesians 2: 1—10. A Key CBC Student Ministry passage.

In verse 1, what WERE we?

Trespasses = sins =

How did we formerly walk and live according to verse 2 & 3?

What were we “by nature?” (review from last week: Why is this necessary?)


God is rich in… Has great…

Verse 5: God made us...

This is in the perfect tense, which means…

(over, please)

Verse 6: What other two things did God do?

Side note: John 10: 10

Verse 7: WHY would He do this?

A reminder in verses 8 & 9 on WHO did the work:

In verse 10: We are his… Greek word:

Why were we created?

Since we were created for this, what is the natural conclusion?

2 Corinthians 5: 14-17, An Understanding of Our Standing Before God:

In verse 14, WHAT controls us? Greek word highlights…

In verse 15, if He died for all, what else did He do for all?

In verse 16, HOW are we to recognize those that are in a relationship with Christ?

In verse 17, If any man is in Christ, he is a…

Applications to our lives:

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