Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry November 7 & 14, 2010 Announcements
H.S. Sunday School, November 7 & 14, 2010.
10:30—11:50AM, in the Dungeon.
November 7, Brent McKinney teaching on your identity in Christ. November 14, Charlie Ridenour teaching on the Biblical pattern for life & ministry. The latest class session can be found here: The Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School has a channel on here: All the high school video passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find the session that matches.
Super Early-Bird sign-ups END ON NOVEMBER 14 for our annual retreat to Pine Cove Shores on January 14-16, 2011. Grab a sign up sheet and reserve your spot today (limited spots)…the price goes up on 11/15 and after that date we can’t guarantee spots—waiting lists have developed in the past. Also, you can pick up an information sheet in the Dungeon with full details on departures, packing, etc.
Next Senior Lunch: TODAY, November 7, 12:45—1:45PM, @Brent’s
SIGN UPS BEGIN TODAY for the 17th Annual CBC Christmas Banquet. This year’s banquet is on Sunday night, December 12, from 5—7:13PM, in the CBC Auditorium!!! Get more info on the sign up sheet and make sure to get your spot reserved so we can have enough tables, food, etc. for everyone!
Wednesday Night Discipleship, November 10 & 17, 2010, 7—8:30PM
In the following area homes:
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV.
Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028. (THIS GROUP HAS FELLOWSHIP on 11/17)
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.
Everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house on November 10 after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM! HOWEVER, NO HANGING OUT ON 11/17!!! We’ll resume on December 1.
(over, please)
Baptism service: November 14@CBC in the service. Today is the last day to get your interviews done if you’d like to be baptized! Contact Brent or Charlie if you’re interested!
“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: We’re hoping to have the photos edited and on-line by ASAP. We’ll let you know as soon as they’re available!
Service Opportunities:
ANGEL TREE: Today, in class, Page Boudreaux will be announcing our annual contribution to CBC’s angel tree ministry! We’ll need people to stick around after class on Nov. 21st
The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation and WE’LL BE WRITING ANOTHER CHECK ASAP and we’re HALFWAY TO OUR 4th CHECK!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause! On the last Sunday of every month this school year, we’re asking everyone to make a $5 donation in Sunday School as an act of worship. AFTER TWO MONTHS, WE HAVE CLOSE TO $250 so far…and SUNDAY November 27 will be our next offering! We’ll also be announcing a SPECIAL DECEMBER GIVING OPPORTUNITY—GIVE A WELL FOR CHRISTMAS—on the 21st. Our goal is to raise $1,000 in two weeks! More details to follow!
*Pray for the children we support, Jhojan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, please give them to Brent anytime (handwritten are best and print if possible).
We have opportunities to serve in our Teen MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) ministry by planning/preparing dinners (and eating them with the members) and/or collecting needed baby items for the Teen Mops Store. Contact Michelle Anthony at for all the details and other information!
Crossroads Bible Church Sr. High Student Ministry
Sunday School Class Notes, November 7, 2010.
Knowing Christ, Week #10. Identity & Decision Making.
Discussion Starter: Watch the scene from “How To Train Your Dragon.” During the attack, what are Hiccup’s responsibilities? What is his real ambition? What instructions was he given? What were the consequences (good & bad) of his choice to disobey? Had similar problems occurred in the past? What was his dad’s reaction to the events and why was this the case? What his father say that would hurt Hiccup? What was the reaction of his friends? What conflict did Gobber expose that will define Hiccup?
An overview of who you are…
Key passages that define us:
Ephesians says…
Colossians says that we are…
2 Corinthians says we are a…
John says we are…
Romans says we…
Romans 6: The Reality of How We See Ourselves:
Review 5:18ff.
In verses 1-11, in v. 1, we are given a rhetorical question, which is…
In v. 2, what is our relationship to sin?
In v. 4, what is the point of this logic?
In v. 7, what is the result?
In v. 11, what is the “bottom line?”
(note all the highlights as to who we are!)
In verses 12—14, what is the command in v. 12?
In v. 13, what are our choices?
In v. 14, what will not be our master & why won’t it be?
In verses 15—23, there are a series of contrasts between ________________ and _______________.
In verse 16, you have a choice as to who you will…
In verse 17, what is the transformation to/from?
In verse 19, what were we? What are we? What were the results of each?
In verse 21, what are the results of sin?
In verse 22, what are the results of slavery to God?
Applications to our lives:
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