Friday, December 3, 2010

Announcements, Dec. 5

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry December 5, 2010 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, December 5, 2010.
10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon.
Videos of our class can be found on the Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School channel on here: All the high school video passwords are abc123 (but if you access them by channel you won’t need them). You can get class notes at and scroll to find each session.

SIGN UPS CONTINUE TODAY for the 17th Annual CBC Christmas Banquet. This year’s banquet is on Sunday night, December 12, from 5—7:13PM, in the CBC Auditorium!!! Get more info on the sign up sheet and make sure to get your spot reserved so we can have enough tables, food, etc. for everyone! SIGN UPS END ON DECEMBER 10, but it would be most helpful to sign up by today!

ANGEL TREE SERVICE PROJECT: Page Boudreaux wanted to thank all the high school students who served by putting up the tree and decorating it! An excellent job and much appreciated by the CBC body at this time of year!

Wednesday Night Discipleship, December 8, 2010, 7—8:30PM
Class of 2011/2012 girls, Sharon Gelnett and Melissa Williams, leaders. Meets at 2619 Bierstadt in HV.
Class of 2011/2012 guys, Brent McKinney, Peyton Morriss, and Ian Cook, leaders. Meets at 5237 Prairie Creek Drive, in FM, 75028.
Class of 2013 girls, Sue Green and Faith Oldenburg, leaders. Meets at 218 South Clearwater in HV, 75077.
Class of 2014 girls, Laura Smith and Megan Zeller, leaders. Meets at 303 Highland Court in Double Oak, 75077.
2013/2014 guys, Sean Green and Matt Haase, leaders. Meets at 2201 Hazy Meadows Lane in FM, 75028.
Everyone is invited to come over to Brent’s house on December 8 after small groups to hang out and such! Just have to be out by 10PM! Hang outs resume on January 12, 2011.
Semester-End Communion December 15 @ CBC Dungeon (all groups will meet in the Dungeon, buy your own dinner, bring it to CBC to eat at 7PM, be prepared to discuss how God has worked in you this semester!)

Christmas Eve Services @ CBC, 4PM and 6PM.

Super Early-Bird sign-ups have ended, and you can check the list (which was e-mailed on Friday or posted in the Dungeon to make sure you’re on it). We will have to establish a waiting list, and the price is now $145. Trip dates for Pine Cove Shores: January 14-16, 2011. Sign up sheets are available in the Dungeon as are the information sheets that contain details on departures, packing, etc.

“My Favorite Verse” PHOTO SHOOT: The photos are posted via Facebook on Tracy Thomason McKinney’s page. Some of you may need to “friend” her to gain access.

Service Opportunities:

The loose-change worship offering continues each week. Since last May, we’ve written two checks of over $500 to the Somaly Mam Foundation ( and WE’LL BE WRITING ANOTHER CHECK ASAP and we’re HALFWAY TO OUR 4th CHECK!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause! We will NOT be taking up a loose-change offering on Dec. 12 & 19 because… SPECIAL DECEMBER GIVING OPPORTUNITY on DECEMBER 12 & 19. Our goal is to raise $2,500 this month. It’s an opportunity to be somewhat sacrificial and think of others during this time of year…so, what we’re asking EVERYONE that comes to Sunday School these next two weeks is to bring a ONE-TIME gift of somewhere between $25 & $50 and give joyfully (make checks payable to CBC! This will put us on our way towards giving a village in Africa clean water—so we hope you’ll prayerfully consider this ministry!

*Pray for Johan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti. If you’d like to write letters to any of them, give them to Brent anytime (hand written/printed are best to ease translation and have a more personal “feel” to them).

NO High School Sunday School classes on Dec. 26, 2010 and January 2, 2011.

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