Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Announcements for July 3

July 3: Sunday School, 10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon: Brent McKinney, teaching!
Join us as we continue our summer series on the life of Joshua!

Team Ireland Update:
Thursday Night, July 7. 6:30PM—8:30PM, Dinner provided.
Team Meeting at Brent’s house (5237 Prairie Creek Drive, FM, 75028)
Parents are welcome to attend, too!
We’ll be going over any and all details to finalize our trip which leaves DFW on July 11 (American Airlines Flight #2354, departing at 2:15PM)!

Twitterfic Wednesdays (and/or Facebook Status Update Wednesdays)
begin on July 6, so check your Facebook news feed at 4PM each Wednesday!
Brent will give you the location of the hang out—which will usually last about an hour and the all begin at 7PM unless otherwise noted! We’ll try to keep the cost of each event between $5-10!

If you aren’t friends with Brent on Facebook you’ll want to do that ASAP—if you are, you should be getting these announcements in your message box every Thursday. And, you can follow BrentMcKinney on Twitter). Also, students, if you aren’t getting text updates from Elli (she sent out a test text last week so if you didn’t get it, you aren’t on it) you’ll want to send her your name and number!

The FINAL WATERISBASIC.ORG grand total for the school year was $1,516! After speaking with the director of the organization, he wants to see if we can complete the giving for the well, so we’ll continue our once per month giving with a few new opportunities thrown in! More information available in Sunday School, and you can check our progress on the Facebook page “Water is Basic-CBC”

This month’s project: “Truth Telling”—projects due by July 31
Take some sidewalk chalk and write the word TRUTH in big letters somewhere cool & different. Find a Bible verse you like with “truth” in it…put the notation near the TRUTH chalk word you wrote. Take a creative photo of yourself with your word & verse. Color print the photo and bring it by July 31. We’ll put them in the art gallery by August 7. August’s project: Black-Out Poetry.

DID YOU MISS THE PARENT’S MEETING held on May 29? You can grab the notes at and get the video of the first hour at (if you need a password it’s abc123). Sorry, but the camera died and missed the last 10 minutes or so!

*Special thanks to all the high school students who served at Vacation Bible School last week!

From the Music Camp Staff:
Music camp is from July 11-15, and we're looking for some awesome youth who want to serve at Splash Kingdom. . If you are interested, please text/call Sandi Shipley at 214-808-2107. Training will be Sunday, July 10th after the 2nd service (this is mandatory). Thanks!

*We’ve got a couple more weeks of the “loose change to loosen chains” before we send off our last check! Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the summer to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation. Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause!

*Pray for Johan in Columbia and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!

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