Monday, September 12, 2011

Class Notes for Sunday, September 11

Crossroads Bible Church Student Ministry
Discussion Questions & Notes
Sunday School Class: September 11, 2011.

Review: Communitas = Loving each other in a more profound way. A deeper
form of community.
1 Corinthians 15: Starts with the resurrection
John 21: Connection of love and “feeding sheep”

Discussion: If you wanted to run the Cowtown Marathon in January, what steps would you have to take from where you are right now?

Study: Philippians 1:1—2:11.

In vv. 3—8 notice the…
In verse 6, we can infer that growing in Christ is…
Note the contents of what Paul prays for their church in vv. 9--11:

In vv. 12—20, how does Paul describe his imprisonment?

Put vv. 21—26 in perspective:

In verse 27 they are to do 3 things:

In verse 30, we see that Paul isn’t asking them to do what he…

In 2:1, the Greek verb tense is…
In 2:1—4, we see how they were to make his joy complete, by…

In verse 5, we see where this starts:

And the example continues in vv. 6—9:

In vv. 9—11, what is the ultimate result of Christ’s resurrection?

Possible Applications:

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