Friday, July 24, 2009

Announcements for July 26--August 2, 2009

H.S. Sunday School, 10:45—11:50AM, in the Dungeon
July 26, 2009: Teacher, Brent McKinney, Topic: Jehu & Elisha, 2 Kings 9—13.
August 2, 2009: Teacher, Charlie Ridenour. Topic: Isaac & Ishmael.
August 9, 2009: Teachers, Dave & Cheri Hudspith. Topic: CBC Africa Mission.
No post SS hang out July 26! You’ve been serving & hanging out all week! Take a break! August 2: Pool Party, 5PM—9PM at Rachel Wilson’s house. 804 North Shore Drive in Highland Village, 75077. Guys bring snacks, girls bring sodas. Eat dinner before you come or bring your own! August 9: No formal hang out..

Student Ministry “Not of This World” Photo Shoot, August 16, after class.
Anybody in our student ministry who wants to help us populate our art gallery will be given a poster board to design on Aug. 9 as well as encouraged to dress in a way that says something about who you are…as if you’d be on a “Rolling Stone” magazine cover. Tracy will be taking professional shots so we can decorate our “Inside-Out” gallery. It won’t take but about 5 minutes for each person, so come prepared to have fun being the center of attention and watch others be the center of attention!

Summer Wednesday Nights at Crossroads!
Begins at 6:30—8PM in the Dungeon for all high schoolers!
July 29: Charlie Ridenour will lead the discussion. We’ll wrap up the class on August 5 with a review. We’ll take a break on August 12 (no meeting) and we’ll resume on August 19 with a “meet your small group leader” night at CBC. August 26, in home small groups begin in homes for Fall semester. If you’d like groups to meet in your home, e-mail

Thinking about serving Tuesday Night Discipleship in the Fall?
If so, please make plans to attend an information session regarding expectations, roles, dates for training sessions, etc., at 10:20AM on Sunday, August 9, in the Dungeon.

CBC Student Ministry needs servants to assist in the following areas: Need assistant leaders for the sophomore guys Wednesday night study, the junior/senior guys Wednesday night study, assistant leaders (preferably a married couple) for the 10:45AM college ministry Sunday School class, and assistant leaders (again, a married couple preferred) for the college Wednesday night in-home study. If you can help, or know of someone you think might be interested, please contact ASAP!

Next Baptism Service: August 30 as part of the evening worship service that day. Contact for further info.

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