Thursday, May 19, 2011

Announcements for May 22

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry May 22, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30AM: Senior Speeches!
Free Lunch from Rosa’s Café immediately afterward.
Seniors, you have 0 days until the meeting.
All former CBC students, current & former small group leaders, CBC elders/deacons/staff all have standing invitations. Parents & families (with the approval of your senior teen) of seniors & invited guests are all welcome to enjoy the speeches as well as attend the lunch afterward. Everyone should arrive early as seating is extremely limited!

Parent Service Opportunity: We still need 3 parents to help out to pick up lunch at Rosa’s Café at 11:15AM Sunday. It’s all been paid for, it simply has to be picked up and brought to CBC

High School Parent’s Meeting, May 29, 10:45AM in the Dungeon
There is no high school Sunday School class on that date…and this meeting is for parents only, and all who have students in the classes of 2012—2015 are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. The meeting will be over by the end of 2nd service.

Team Arizona Update:
1. Double-check the list (posted in the Dungeon/sent to Facebook groups) to make sure your name is on it. If your name IS NOT on it, we don’t have you signed up.
2. You may begin turning in your other forms ASAP (payment mailbox in the Dungeon or the CBC receptionist during office hours). This includes turning in your money as long as you have all the money for your trip. It would be helpful to have all the money and forms NO LATER than June 12.
3. Clear your calendar for June 5, after 2nd service. We will have a team meeting to finalize work teams, plans, etc. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!
4. Look over the packing list (available in the Dungeon) and begin getting your needed supplies.

It is our hope that everyone who attends Sunday School that date will bring $30, which will help us reach our goal of providing a well for a village in Africa before school is out. We’ve raised nearly $1,250! Our goal is $3,500 by June 5.…You can check our progress on the Facebook page “Water is Basic-CBC”

(over, please)
All Juniors/Seniors will meet in the Dungeon on Wednesday, May 25 from 7:00PM—9:00PM for our annual guys/girls meeting.

All other small groups: Check with your group leader for any updates about your group’s year end party.

The Ultimate Frisbee game for the guys has been moved to Tuesday Night, May 31, on the CBC field from 7:00PM—8:30PM due to inclement weather. Everybody bring a water bottle!

PROMOTION SUNDAY: JUNE 5. Please make every effort to attend as we welcome the class of 2015 to our ministry!
PROMOTION SUNDAY FOR THE CLASS OF 2011: (Date change) Sunday, May 29, 5:00PM @ Chris & Kelly Turner’s house (2105 Welch Court, FM, 75028). A cookout and chance to get information about the summer ministry (with leader Ryan Millard, former CBC grad and seminary student). They have a pool & it should be a great time to get to see all the past CBCers!

*VBS @ CBC, June 27-30. If you’re interested in serving contact Dawn at for more info.
Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve, contact the CBC office)
*Middle School Mission Project, June 12-16.

*The loose-change offering ENDS TODAY! Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation. Thank you so much for your generosity to this cause!

*Pray for Johan in Columbia (letter from him in class!) and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!

Children’s Ministries would like to show appreciation to our teachers who currently serve in Sunday School. On May 22, from 8:45am—9:45am we need 7 volunteers to help facilitate the 1st—5th grade classrooms (no teaching required). If you’re interested, contact Cindy.Renner@CrossroadsBible.Org ASAP.

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