Thursday, May 12, 2011

Announcements for the week

Crossroads Bible Church Senior High Student Ministry
May 15, 2011 Announcements

H.S. Sunday School, 10:30—11:45AM in the Dungeon.
Brent McKinney will be reviewing the important things over the last 4 years that he wants the seniors to remember. Last week’s study will be posted on the Crossroads Bible Church High School Sunday School channel on

TEAM IRELAND MEETING: Today, May 15, after 2nd service, in the Dungeon! If anyone on TEAM IRELAND has any money they’d like to deposit, please bring it and place it in an envelope with your name on it.

Senior Speeches: Sunday, May 22, 10:30AM, lunch from Rosa’s Café immediately following. (There are 7 days until Senior Speeches).
Seniors: If you couldn’t attend the meeting where they were discussed, you can pick up an instruction sheet in class today. Underclassmen: Make sure to get there on time as we will start promptly. Parents: As a reminder, you must be invited by your teen to attend, and usually they invite the entire family. Of course everyone is invited to stay afterward for lunch! Former CBC students, current & former high school small group leaders, CBC elders/deacons/staff all have standing invitations.

Service opportunity: We have need of parents to pick up the lunch at Rosa’s as well as set up the lunch in The Dungeon for self-serve. Please respond to Brent and let him know if you’re interested!

High School Parent’s Meeting: May 29, 10:45AM in the Dungeon
There is NO HIGH SCHOOL CLASS ON THAT DATE…but all parents who have students in the classes of 2012-2015 are strongly encouraged to attend. The meeting will be over by the end of 2nd service.

TEAM ARIZONA: Team Meeting June 5 after 2nd service in the Dungeon (parents welcome to attend as well). We will be accepting all your forms (it would be IDEAL if everyone had them by this meeting). Also, we still have need for 2 more moms to go on the trip with us, so if you’re interested, please contact Brent ASAP. Finally, we need everyone to check the FINAL LIST posted in the Dungeon and make sure your name is on it…if it isn’t on it, YOU AREN’T SIGNED UP! All support letters should’ve already been mailed out: don’t forget that your support letters MUST be approved by Brent before you mail them out.

Over, please
ALL GROUPS MEET @ CBC from 7:00—8:30PM for the Year-End Communion Service on May 18, 2011.
May 25 @ CBC, 7:00—9:00PM, Junior/Senior Guys/Girls meeting.
No coming over to Brent’s house after studies this week. We’ll resume later in the summer!

The Final WATERISBASIC.ORG Sunday is June 5!
Remember: If EVERYONE who comes to Sunday School brings $30 on BOTH June 5 we’ll reach our goal by the end of the school year! You can check our progress on the FB page “Water is Basic-CBC”

Due to unprecedented storm warnings last Wednesday night, the All-Guys Annual Small Groups Ultimate Frisbee game has been rescheduled for Wednesday Night, June 1. Meet @ CBC at 6:50PM. We’ll play until dark or 8:30PM, whichever is first. Seniors/Freshmen vs. Juniors/Sophomores.
Bring a water bottle!

2011 Seniors will be “promoted” May 28 for a college class cookout/kickoff at Chris & Kelly Turner’s house in the afternoon. Full details of the college summer ministry TBA next weekend after Senior Speeches!

Promotion Sunday, June 5. Brent’s teaching in CBC main services June 12 (senior tribute)

Service Opportunities:

Children’s Ministries would like to show appreciation to our teachers who currently serve in Sunday School. On May 22 from 8:45am—9:45am we need 7 volunteers to help facilitate the 1st—5th grade classrooms (no teaching is required). If you are interested in serving please contact ASAP!

*Want to help with VBS (June 27-30)? Contact Dawn Marshall at IMMEDIATELY!!!
*Music Camp, July 11-14 (in case you want to serve)
*Middle School Mission Project, 6/12-16

*The loose-change worship offering will continue on May 8, 15 & 22. Since the last few checks we’ve written we now have over $1,000! We’ll be waiting until the end of the year to make our donation to the Somaly Mam Foundation.

*Pray for Johan in Columbia (letter from him in class!) and Guerson & Kerlande in Haiti!

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